1st Smart Driving Cars Summit

May 17–18, 2017 in Princeton, NJ

Why Attend

This conference brings together the buyers, sellers and facilitators of SmartDrivingCars, trucks and buses. It is time to move past the hype and accelerate the commercialization and deployment of SmartDriving technology so that society can begin to capture its benefits. We will have four focus areas:

Near-term Safety Benefits of Safe-driving Cars

How insurance and new car dealers can benefit by promoting the RoI advantages to fleets and mutually beneficial promotional discounts to consumers. As well as an update as to the performance in automatically avoiding crashes of the technology options available in showrooms today.

Near-term Regulatory Challenges

…that are needed to facilitate the shared use of our existing streets by low and normal speed Driverless vehicles.

Near-term Mobility and Community Service Benefits

…of the array of emerging low-speed Driverless shuttles to all in gated communities and campuses, to the mobility disadvantaged in many/most suburban communities and to address first-mile, last-mile accessibility challenges in transit-oriented communities.

The Current State-of-the-art in DeepDriving

…to the long-term opportunities of using affordable Computer Vision and elegant Deep Learning training, testing and enhancing techniques in SmartDrivingCars, and more.


Deployment/Commercializations of this technology involves three the fundamental economic forces: supply, demand and the public oversight; the push, the pull and the hurdles. This Summit brings together at Princeton the thought leaders in each of these dimensions so they can come together to more quickly improve mobility for everyone. For some of these individuals the cost of attendance is quite high. The sponsorships is to eliminate the financial burden for key individuals to attend and actively participate in this summit. It is their active participation that we are seeking.


Alain Kornhauser
Princeton University
Adriano Alessandrini
University of Florence
Bern Grush
Grush Niles Strategic
Christine O'Brien
Insurance Council of New Jersey
Adam Jonas
Morgan Stanley
Grayson Brulte
The Road to Autonomy
Jerome Ludin
Washington State Transit Insurance Pool
Stanley Young
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Matt Lesh
Meridian Autonomous
Ingmar Andreasson
Centre for Traffic Research, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
J. Sam Lott, P.E.
Texas Southern University, Center for Transportation Training and Research
Ro Gupta
Brian O’Looney
Torti Gallas and Partners
Art Shulman
Global Autonomous Vehicle Partnership