Alison Pascale

Senior Policy Strategist
Audi of America

Pascale has over 25 years of combined legislative and executive branch experience developing and implementing public policy with a focus on automotive safety, manufacturing, transportation policy and international trade. At Audi, Pascale works to advance federal and state policies that will accelerate the safe deployment of automated vehicle technologies. She engages and informs elected officials on vehicle technologies, develops and advises on public policy and legislative initiatives, builds and expands stakeholder coalitions, and initiates innovative approaches to prioritize vehicle safety.

Prior to coming to Audi, Pascale was Director of Governmental Affairs, Policy and Strategic Planning at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). In her senior leadership position at NHTSA, Pascale developed and implemented initiatives to reform the agency; played a key role in developing agency guidance on highly automated vehicles; and implemented changes to improve NHTSA’s defects and recall mission. Pascale also oversaw all aspects of NHTSA’s interactions with Congress.

Pascale previously was a senior adviser to Senator Carl Levin from Michigan, worked in the House of Representatives and at the Government Accountability Office and was a Presidential Management Fellow. She holds undergraduate and graduate degrees from American University in International Studies and International Relations.

She lives in Arlington, Virginia, with her husband and two children. When not at the office she can be found on the tennis court, traveling with her family or on a lake in Maine.

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Past Events

Incentivizing Through Regulation
The Role of Public Policy in Enabling the Manufacture of Safely-driven Cars and Encouraging the Deployment of Driverless Cars
Thu, Mar 11, 2021, 12:00 pm