Stanley Young

Research Scientist
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Dr. Young is the Mobility Systems team lead for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Center for Integrated Mobility Science. He currently serves as the DOE technologist in city for the Columbus Smart City program, led the Urban Science pillar for the DOE Systems and Modeling for Accelerated Research in Transportation initiative, and coordinated the DOE’s Transportation Systems COVID-19 Rapid Response for Safe and Efficient Mobility for Return to Operations. Dr. Young is a graduate of Kansas State University, served in the United States Peace Corps, and was previously on staff at the University of Maryland Center for Advanced Transportation Technology, the Kansas Department of Transportation, and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.

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Past Events

What Will Power Safely-driven Cars
The pros and cons from an economic and environmental perspective of different fuel sources for the future car fleet
Thu, Apr 1, 2021, 12:00 pm